Yoga for When You Just Want to Lie Down
Some days I make plans to be active, but I’m just not feeling it. Those are the best days for a quiet, simple yoga practice. This yin yoga sequence has only a few poses (skip any or all of them, if you want to) and you never even have to sit up.
The sequence below took me about 30 minutes. If you don’t have that much time, you can choose just one or two of the poses. I recommend a bolster or big pillow and two yoga blocks. If you don’t have blocks, grab a blanket or towel. My instructions for each pose include a variety of options to work with whatever you have available.
Before you start
Remember to collect any props you need prior to starting your practice and keep everything within arm’s reach so that you don’t have to move at all.
Think ahead to when you might need your props and set them up ahead of time. In this sequence, I placed my bolster for the twist before I started the practice.
Set a timer so that you aren’t distracted by how much time is left in each pose. I use the Insight Timer app to pre-program the entire sequence, with time for the pause, but even Alexa or iPhone (on airplane mode!) with a soft alarm sound will work. Don’t let this become an excuse not to practice – go by feel if you don’t have any timer available.
During your practice
Take the first few breaths in each pose to observe any sensations in the body and make adjustments to your position or your props before settling in for a few minutes of stillness. If you feel any sharp, shooting pain, come out of the pose right away.
Pause for about a minute in between each pose. When a pose is done on each side, take time to pause before switching sides. Try to move as little as possible and stay present in your body, focusing your awareness on any physical sensations that arise.
Whenever you find yourself getting distracted, keep bringing your attention back to the ground underneath you. A wandering mind is very common and doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong.
Constructive Rest
3-5 minutes or as long as you want
Start on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet resting on the floor.
Options: You can keep your knees in line with your hips or let them knock in towards each other.
Heart Bench + Butterfly
3-5 minutes
Place one block just below your shoulderblades and the other underneath the back of your head. Bring the soles of your feet together and let your knees fall apart.
If you have two more blocks or pillows, place them under your knees for extra support.
If you don’t have blocks at all, roll up a blanket or towel and take supported fish pose instead. Watch this video from my teacher Sally Miller for instructions.
Skip either the heart bench or the butterfly entirely if you want to.
Reclined Twist
2-3 minutes each side
Pull one knee in towards your chest and extend the opposite leg. Cross your bent knee over to the opposite side, resting it on a bolster, blanket, or blocks. After taking time to pause, repeat on the opposite side.
Any props will work here, but I find it feels best if your whole lower leg is supported.
Start with the same prop setup when you switch to the other side, but adjust based on how you feel, as the two sides of the body might need different support.
If it’s uncomfortable to cross your knee over to rest on the props, or if you’re using a lot of effort to hold this shape, hug your knee in to your chest and take your opposite hand to the outside of the knee, guiding it slightly in the direction of your props, but without lifting your hip off the ground. You might notice some sensation in the outside of your hip and upper leg.
Supported Bridge
3-5 minutes
From constructive rest, lift your hips and place a block or bolster underneath your sacrum, just above your sitsbones. You’ll know it’s in just the right spot if you can float your feet off the floor and still feel fully supported.
Use a bolster or pillow if a yoga block feels too firm.
For a psoas release, extend one leg and let it relax, resting on the floor. Switch sides halfway through.
5-10 minutes or as long as you want
Find any reclined resting shape that feels comfortable to you.
Place a bolster or rolled up blanket under your knees if your arms and legs are extended.
Take the constructive rest position from the beginning of the practice.