Getting Comfortable With Being Uncomfortable

30 minutes

In our practice and in life, not everything will feel good all the time. Here, we can interact with our discomfort in a way that lets us remain fully in control of our experience, using myofascial release.

Equipment needed: foam roller, bolster, block

This practice contains:

  1. Centering/Opening meditation

  2. Tenderizer

  3. Swimmer

  4. Child’s pose

  5. Closing meditation


Please note that there’s an important distinction between discomfort and pain. The sensations of myofascial release, similar to getting a massage, may produce a sensation that feels pleasant, yet uncomfortable. YOU get to manage the intensity and duration of this experience. This is different from pain - if you experience any sharp, shooting pain sensations, numbing or tingling, or similar sensations in this or any other practice, please exit the shape or cease the activity right away.


Calf “Tenderizer”


Guided Meditation for Relaxation and Body Awareness